Saturday, December 14, 2013

Ventana Natural Arch

Monday, July 22, Day 91

John has another monument in mind to show me, this one a natural arch.  We had passed a car coming the other direction, which suddenly turned around.  The couple hopped out, and the girl stood on the fence to take a quick snapshot, and then they quickly drove away!

There are many natural arches in New Mexico and I am glad we got to see this one.

It's only a short hike to get close, and since it was summer the trail was open. 

Looking across from the arch are these formations.

Cactus are blooming along the trail.

In looking at this map, I see the name Cebolla or Cibolla, reminding me of the Spanish expeditions to find the Seven Cities of Cebolla, which were said to be made of gold. This expedition was led by Coronado, with many soldiers and native guides.  He traveled 4000 miles in search of these cities, and found nothing, which left him in debt and an outcast.

Here's our camper against the rocks above.  It seems dwarfed in comparison.

Headed into the storm - blue skies on one side, thunder and lots of lightening on the other.

A lone windmill dots the sky and you can see the ruins of an adobe house.  I can't imagine what it took to try to make it out here.

The sky really is beautiful and with each turn of the road, it is hard to tell if we are going into the storm or will skirt around it.

Question answered!  We hit it big time.

Out there where the rain is falling is Arizona.

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