Monday, June 17, 2013

Dan and Whits

Per and Helle took us to this funky general store, Dan and Whits, which is small but mighty.  I don't know what today's equivalent would be, but whatever it is, it is lacking in the charm of these old time stores where you could buy anything. 

Most stores today will tell you what you can't do - no parking, no shoes, no shirts, no service, no dogs, etc.  I like these old stores that are posted with sayings that keep you amused and thinking.

Here's Per showing us some of the unusual merchandise to be had.

I particularly liked these Bob Marley sandals.  No one should leave home without a pair of these!

And a wide assortment of cow bells!

I think a lot of patience is required to find what you need!

As I understand it, the gas pumps at this store are manned,  but Mikey is available only at certain times.

I wish I knew what these things were -- but I'm sure I would be glad to have them back in stock!
Dan and Whit's was a fun place, but also a functional place.  It was very busy while we were there.
A lot of people rely on it and I hope it stays around for a long time.

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