Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Dinner at Bar Harbor

Wednesday, June 5 (cont'd) 

This morning, as we were headed toward Bar Harbor,  we took note of several things along the way.  One was some unusual names for road -- Up Back Road, Less Traveled Road, Long and Winding Road.  Also, there were some businesses we don't see very often.  We saw several selling cupolas and weathervanes, for example.

There are many used books stores along the way.  Maybe people read a lot in the winter.  Or maybe there are a lot of tourists who use their vacations to read.

We spotted grange halls, and peat bogs, lilacs, and one business with huge boiling pots in front that were boiling lobsters.  Lobstah, lobstah, lobstah is everywhere!  Later when we came back past one of these establishment, there was a film crew, their cameras and sound booms poised above a huge boiling pot.  'Tis the season! 

One other thing we saw, and that was the Bar Harbor Campground.  Since we knew we were going to have a long day, we decided to turn around, go back and secure a campsite for the night.  And were we ever glad we did.  First of all, it took the pressure off of finding one at the end of the day, and Secondly, we got one of the primo spots in the campground!  

We had stopped earlier in the day at Parson's Seafood, the only retail outlet on the island (other than grocery stores) and picked up some Atlantic swordfish and steamer clams.

And that low sun was setting ever so slowly over the Atlantic.  We realized that this would be our last view of it on this trip.

Tomorrow we and our camper are  headed west for the first time on this trip.

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